Tips on how to print out your Board Layout larger than 8.5" by 11"
to show to people or to maybe skip the full making of the sample board.
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 Also see a size comparison between 18x24 to 24x36 at full size

Do this 1st to see real size and write on it to see spacing etc

Tip ** Project image from PDF layout sent to you  onto wall or dry erase board and test it there !
 get it to full size and actually fill it in!

various print setting change output of full size board -Image

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An Image file of your layout can be supplied to you as

1.  a full size PDF made to print on one sheet.  If you have a Sign shop in house or nearby they should be able to print it.  I just called Staples and in about an hour they can print up to a 24" x 36" color sheet for $25 from this full size pdf.   Here is example of full size JFK
2.  a Group of PDF files that print on a letter size paper and that you can cut the sheets up on provided lines and past together to get full size picture.   Click here to get an example of one of these JFK Group

Call us an we will send you your file as a pdf... about 1o minutes to cut and past up  see actual samples below

3.  a  .tiff or .jpg pure image file may work also see JFK at 72DPI example here.